What is Prep?
Prep is a specially designed educational program for schools offered on a full-time, non-compulsory basis.
The curriculum
Prep teachers use the Australian Curriculum for the key learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science and History. Appropriate learning experiences are also planned from the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines based on active learning for children through real-life situations, investigation and play. They incorporate descriptions of early learning and development phases to help teachers to monitor children's progress and preparedness for Year 1.
During the prep year, staff aim to connect the experiences of home and school, prior educational experiences and child care placements as appropriate. In prep, children will be actively involved in learning in different ways. They will be encouraged to develop independence and personal organisational skills, and to work with other children and adults.
An important part of the Prep program is the development of early literacy and numeracy understandings and as the year progresses, teachers expect to see an increasing understanding and use of these concepts in preparation for year one.
By the end of every semester, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their learnings as per the Australian curriculum in English, Mathematics, Science and History. Student learning in the areas of Social and personal learning, Heath and physical learning and Active learning processes will also be assessed based on the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines.
Who is eligible?
Children will need to be five by 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep.
View the Department's online calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.
When to enrol?
The school will advertise dates for open days, orientation days, prep enrolment interviews through media.
During the orientation morning we discuss the organisation and structure of Prep, including:
Uniforms (available for purchase on the day)
Behaviour management
Introducing key staff
Lunchbox storage+ brain break
First day routines
Parent questions and answers
For more information or to have your child's name added to the waiting list, please contact us.