Ridgelands State School offers the latest in classroom computers and technology integrating iPads, iPods, interactive whiteboards and the availability of computer labs in each teaching space.

All computers have online access offering educational resources and run the latest specialised software programs to help students develop skills, such as reading comprehension, grammar, maths, spelling and punctuation. Computers enable teachers to provide tutoring or personalised instruction for students who need advanced or remedial educational resources. Students can participate in educational opportunities such as online group discussions and webinars, these are learning experiences that teachers can’t provide in a traditional classroom setting. Students can use classroom computers to research, explore, respond and interact with the world around them.
A ratio of one computer for every two students in the school exists to optimise student learning. Headphones make it possible for individuals or a class group to participate in interactive learning, allowing each student to work at their own pace.
All classes have access to iPads and iPods with a ratio of 1 device to every 3 students. They are utilised in classrooms to enhance student engagement with the curriculum. Teachers incorporate the use of these interactive devices in spelling, reading and numeracy, aimed at increasing the students’ achievement outcomes through purposeful learning activities.
Interactive whiteboards are used to enhance delivery of educational programs, view curriculum linked videos and for warm up activities prior to lessons.
These wireless technologies are also used to regularly deliver ‘Rapid Recall Routines’ a component of delivering curriculum through ‘Explicit Teaching’ and further engage students with learning.