The Chaplaincy service aims to provide pastoral care for children, families and staff working co-operatively with the Guidance Officer and other staff. The chaplain may work with individual children, small groups or whole classes.
Listening to children is a significant aspect of the chaplain’s role. Conducting programs that assist children to develop friendship building, social skills, anger management, and building self-esteem also forms part of the chaplaincy role.
Practical support is available for families in a crisis or stressful situations. Counselling and help with referrals to professional counselling and support networks is also available for parents and carers.
The chaplain endeavours to be involved in the life of the school by attending school concerts, year level camps, excursions and sports days.
Specialty support staff
We provide an extensive support network including:
Staff, support the needs of identified students and work with students’ families to ensure their particular needs are met. Through consultation with parents individual learning plans are designed and implemented.
Disability support
Ridgelands school is committed to providing all students with access to a quality education, including students with disability. We make reasonable adjustments to ensure students with disability are able to participate in education on the same basis as students without disability.
We adopt a whole-school approach to improving student learning, and provide a variety of supports and services to all students, including those with disability so they can participate in school life, access the curriculum and achieve learning outcomes.
Ridgelands school has access to an array of
support services to meet the educational needs of students with disability.